Saturday, December 02, 2006

Championship Weekend

Well folks, another championship weekend is upon us again and, lucky for us, there are at least a couple of games with title game implications. That’s the most we can hope for in this current system and so let’s enjoy it!

And hold on to your hats Longhorn fans, it’s been quite a week for this Texas team – the most disappointing of course being the fact that one year removed from the national championship game we’re praying for an invite to the Gator Bowl, although the Alamo Bowl seems like the most likely destination at this point. We’ll get into that in a minute.

But first, let’s take a look at some of the key match ups this weekend starting with the big slug fest in the SEC.

Florida (11-1) vs. Arkansas (11-1)
Yet again the SEC appears to be on the verge of being left out of the big game thanks to America’s love fest with USC coupled with the fact that many seem to think that Michigan actually beat OSU in their last game. I know, I know this horse has been beaten into submission over the last couple of weeks so I’ll steer clear of that one…this week.

This one is tough to call and should be a hell of a game. For the Hogs, this game will come down to how they execute their “changeup” plays – those plays that deviate from their normal run-it-up-the-gut game plan. I do believe there is an added sense of concern here for Nutt’s team given the fact that they rushed for over 300 yards against LSU and still lost. That’s got to have this coaching staff sweating a bit because those rushing yards may not come quite as easily against this Florida front 7 (number 5 rushing defense in the country). If Arkansas can find a way to get Jones and McFadden on the field at the same time it may cause some match up problems for that Gator D.

For Florida I think it comes down to the play of Chris Leak as well as their ability to contain that running game. The one-two combo of Leak and Tebow has proven to be fairly effective this year and will keep the Arkansas defense off balance at times. Although a slim one, Florida does have a chance to impress the powers that be that they are worthy of shot against the mighty Buckeyes – I believe it will take nothing short of a 2-3+ touchdown victory (oh yea, and a loss by the Trojans). Unfortunately for Meyer and crew, I don’t see that happening.
Arkansas – 27
Florida – 24

USC (11-1) at UCLA (6-5)
Hey, it’s a rivalry game, it could happen. Right??? Right??? Uhh, no, not this time. It’s been 7 years since the Bruins have toppled the Trojans and they’ve got to be itching to reverse that trend. And who knows, maybe the Aggies inspired them to believe they can. They’ll certainly have to play the game of the year (maybe the decade) to beat this team – that and the hope that USC is already celebrating yet another shot a national title. That’s a lot of ifs.
USC – 34
UCLA – 20

Oklahoma (10-2) vs. Nebraska (9-3)
Too bad this isn’t the old Big 8 from many years ago – THOSE were some great match ups. Is it me or does it seem criminal that these guys don’t get together every year? Although this probably won’t quite live up to that billing, this should be an entertaining game.

I know I called a big-time OU win earlier this week – and many have disagreed with me on this, but here’s my logic. Nebraska has known it would be playing in this game for almost a month now – Oklahoma just earned their trip last weekend with a win over arch-rival Okie State and, more importantly, thanks to the Aggies (and Longhorns).

The Sooners have been playing with more consistency these past few weeks and Paul Thompson has become a solid QB – think about how far he’s come since that first start one year ago? Impressive. More importantly, I think this team is on a mission; they have been faced with a ton of adversity this year starting before the first game and seemingly continuing throughout the year – losing starting QB and O-lineman, cheated out of big victory at Oregon and the loss of Adrian Peterson.

Some might say that this team has had a couple of down years relative to the level they’ve been playing at over the last 5-6 years, but I assure of this – they will be back next year in a position of national prominence and that will start with an impressive win over the Huskers.

This is not a knock on Nebraska – Callahan has done a pretty good job of developing this team and getting to the title game after an up and down season was a good milestone for them. I just don’t think they’re quite ready to take that next step – give it another year or 2 before they really start making noise again on the national stage.
Oklahoma – 28
Nebraska – 16

Georgia Tech (9-3) vs. Wake Forest (10-2)
How can you NOT route for the Demon Deacons here? Maybe I’m not paying attention to the right media, but I’m surprised these guys are getting more attention – they’ve been a bottom feeder for as long as I can remember.
Wake – 27
GaTech – 21

Rutgers (10-1) at West Virginia (9-2)
That’s why Wake Forest isn’t getting more pub – because Rutgers is taking it all with their own Cinderella story. When you consider the lack of defense of the top teams in the Big East, Rutgers’ D is pretty good. The question is will they be able to contain the running power of the Mountaineers? I doubt it – they’ll need to generate turnovers to slow them down – if they do that, I think they can win this game. The one fact we do know is that you don’t have to be spectacular on offense to score at will on W. Virginia and that will bode well for the Scarlet Knights. But, in the end, Rutgers is on the road and I think WestVa is motivated to prove to the country that they are legitimate team and that the Big East is a legitimate conference.
West Virginia – 44
Rutgers – 28

Longhorn Update
Let’s see, what sorts of things have been going on around the 40 acres this past week or so. Well first, our defensive coordinator accepted a job with Iowa State. And now, our backup QB, Jeavan Sneed, is transferring at the end of the season. Let’s be honest, neither one of these developments should come as a big surprise to anyone halfway paying attention to this team. BUT, with that said, the culmination of the team’s regression over the last few weeks coupled with these developments seems to have painted a gloomy scene around the short-term future of this team. But don’t fret folks; I don’t think things are as bad as some might think. In fact, I’ll go out on a limb right now and say that no matter what bowl this team goes to and no matter who they play, Texas will lose their bowl game. I mean, do you get a sense that this team can’t wait to get this season over with so they can regroup?

Defensive Coordinator – I can’t help but wonder how the Iowa State position and the interview process may have affected Chizik’s focus over the last month of the season. I certainly wouldn’t suggest that he “blew off” his responsibilities, but something was going on that wasn’t positive. Although we’re all extremely upset and disappointed with the play of our defense down the stretch this year, I still say Gene is one of the top D-Coordinators in the country. He has to take steps like this to continue to climb that ladder. The question is what now? You can’t help but wonder what the position on Duane Akina is – he’s been a co-Defensive Coordinator for a few years now and has been on the Texas staff for several (6 -7 I think). You have to wonder if a) he wants the job, or b) is he qualified for it. On one hand, he knows the system, knows the players and has a reputation for being very intense and motivating. On the other hand, do we need some new blood in here? That seems crazy to say after just 2 years, but that’s the reality of this game. And if Mack does bring in someone new, there’s no better time – we’re losing a lot of our veteran players on defense and a fresh start would make sense. The one shining spot here is that I believe Mack may be able to get just about anyone he wants.

Quarterback Position – Let me be clear on one thing here, I am not at all throwing in the towel on McCoy – not one bit. But, the one worry you have is injuries, especially with a guy like Colt who doesn’t have Vince Young size or speed. And with a grossly overrated offensive line this year and a pretty young/new one next year, protection may come at a premium. And again, did anyone really think that Snead was going to stick around as a backup for 4 years? He was one of the most recruited QBs in the country. Rumor has it that he’s leaning towards TCU right now which, I think, makes sense for him. He’ll get to come in and be the man in a school/conference that doesn’t have the scrutiny and frankly, competition that the Big 12 and others do. I think he’ll be great there. And get this – Texas plays TCU twice over the next 2 years. The bright side here is that I think this will further solidify the fact that All-Everything Brantley out of Florida will stick to his commitment. The only question is if he does come, do you redshirt him? Mack and company have to be gun shy after Colt’s last 2 games.

Quick Hits
- How in the world is Notre Dame STILL being considered for a BCS game?

- The 2 teams playing the best football RIGHT NOW that few are talking about: Wisconsin (11-1) and LSU (10-2)

- And speaking of LSU – most intriguing game I’m looking forward to (assuming it works out like this): LSU and Michigan in the Rose Bowl

- The most dangerous opponent for the Buckeyes – the 7 week period between their last 2 games – therein lies the only ounce of doubt I have about OSU’s chances of winning the big one

- NFL Note – You just know Tony Romo is going to eventually have a horrendous game – I just don’t think it will happen this weekend

Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey-Day Weekend Observations

Here's a quick glance at some of the stories from this weekend. I'll be traveling this week, but will get out my championship weekend predictions before Friday.

- Man, doesn't it sting when two teams that you have already beaten (one of them you dominated) will be playing for the conference championship while you sit at home and pray for a Cotton/Gator bowl invite? Yep, it sure does. But, it doesn't sting as much as the fact that the one team you dominated deserves to go ahead of you.

- Thanks for playing: Notre Dame, West Virginia, Arkansas and Texas - your gift bags are waiting for you as you exit.

- I'm both shocked and appalled that Florida, for the second week in a row, is not even mentioned as a possible candidate for the national title game. I know USC is playing some damn good ball right now, but let's take a look at the teams UF has faced this year: Southern Miss, Central Florida (2 Div 1 non-conference games), LSU, Auburn, Georgia, S. Carolina, Florida State, Tennessee and this Saturday, Arkansas. I'm shocked that the SEC continues to get screwed in this system we have. And who really cares about style points? One of the many unfortunate aspects of the BCS is that "style points" become so important this time of year - something that is indefinable and so completely subjective. Look, there's no question that the SEC is the best conference in the country from top to bottom - I don't think anyone can honestly and intelligently dispute that. Look at Florida and USC next to each other including their schedules, their wins and their losses - DO NOT look at how they won, what the score was, etc. - just look at the teams they played and wins/losses. Now tell me that USC should get the nod over Florida. I'm not dissing USC, not at all, they're playing terrific football right now, but I can't for the life of me figure out how you can leave a team like Florida out given who they've played AND who they're only loss is to. I've said it before and I'll say it again - USC is getting points this year for their body of work over the last 3-4 years. When it comes down to a USC or Florida or Michigan discussion, USC will get the nod because people can't NOT look at the last few years. You heard it here first - the BCS will officially implode in the next few years when the SEC stands up and says "we're out" and withdrawals from the BCS puppet show.

- I'm picking Oklahoma early in the Big 12 championship - by 2+ touchdowns.

- Speaking of Oklahoma, I'm SOOO happy they didn't blow that game against the Cowboys - the last thing Texas needs right now is to go and lose another game before losing our bowl game.

- This state is going to be crawling with flaming Romo-sexuals after Thursday's game - are you kidding me with those numbers??? Who the hell is this guy?

- Listen very closely Chicago Bears fans - you need a better QB. Grossman is young, I get that, but he's not that great. Consistency is what you need more than anything right now and he is the antithesis of consistency. If Grossman remains the starter throughout the year, it will cost the Bears a shot at the Super Bowl.

- Folks were talking about this at the beginning of the season, but are the Cowboys one of the top 2 or 3 teams in the NFC right now? I think so.

- Drew Brees is freaking unbelievable. Can you imagine if Brees and Tomlinson were on the same team?? Oh wait, they were.

- We'll learn tonight if Seattle belongs in that discussion with the top teams in the NFC. These guys need a good win in a bad kind of way. They should get it against an ailing Green Bay team.

- Did you see Cedric Benson run the ball yesterday? This guy needs an opportunity on a team where he can be the #1 back - he's too good to let sit behind Thomas-freaking-Jones. That and an attitude adjustment.

- And speaking of ex-Longhorns, how about that Vince Young?? Down 21-0 going into the 4th quarter - Titans 24/Giants 21. What a game by this guy both passing and rushing.
And the Giants free fall continues… they will get crushed by the Cowboys this weekend. One day in the middle of next year we're all going to look up and VY will be one of the top players in the league - and Reggie Bush won't.

- The bad news about playing great college basketball games this early (during football season) is that very few people get to see games like Kansas beating Florida 82-80 - I would have liked to have seen that one.

- Ginobli is out for the Spurs. Why do I bring this up? Because the success of this team will depend on how healthy they can stay throughout the year. It's early and the bug is starting to bite.

- Who's ready for a QB controversy on the 40 acres????

- My one political question to ponder: So how bad of a slap in the face is it that the Iraqis are now going to Iran for "help" in ending the violence?

Have a great week.