Monday, January 08, 2007

No More Questions

I think it's a University of Florida trifecta - Basketball championship, football championship and Emmitt Smith won dancing with the stars. Nice work UF.

Seriously, whether you're talking about the University of Florida, the SEC or the BCS - many questions were answered tonight.

1. Florida is the real deal. The talking heads doubted the speed; doubted the physical play - hell, we all doubted Chris Leak! I believe I'll speak for everyone when I say there are no more doubts about this team.

2. And with that, are there any doubts as to how good the SEC is? The bad news for everyone - they may be even better next year. Can you imagine if Jamarcus Russell had stuck around? The good news for Tigers fans is that Matt Flynn ain't half all.

3. Sooo, I'm told that the BCS is supposed to match the 2 best teams against each other. Rrrrriiiight. Look, let's be honest, more times than not you're not going to have just 2 teams deserving of this game - you're going to have a few (last year notwithstanding). I know, I know, hindsight is 20/20, but tell me you wouldn't want to see LSU, USC and even Boise State play one of these teams. Say what you will about the bowl system as a whole, but these teams and players are way too good to limit the opportunity to just 2 teams. MORE IMPORTANTLY AND APPALLING is the fact that we have to wait so long. Tony Kornheiser talked about how he didn't really know what this game was anymore - it's either some sort of "all star" game after the season or the first game to kickoff the 2007 season...very early.

I'll be honest, I thought this game was going to start out sluggish and sloppy, but end up in a slug match. As a fan, it's too bad that Florida got so conservative in the second half because they were a hell of a lot of fun to watch in the first half. Leak looked like Joe Montana in his prime. And are you kidding me with Urban Meyer's play calling? Unbelievable. I don't like Florida, but I LOVED watching them in this first half. It's just too bad that OSU couldn't match that.

You know, I've been saying all year that the Big 10 is a bit overrated, but after this game and the Rose Bowl, I'm more convinced than ever. Aren't we all glad we didn't get a Michigan/OSU rematch?

At the end of the day, both teams had a great year. It's just funny to me that, for the second straight year, one team is favored, talked about and hyped soooo much more than the other - and they ended up getting beat. I guess it sells advertising - and isn't that all that matters? I feel for Troy Smith and especially Ted Ginn Jr., they had terrific years and just got dominated in every aspect of the game. More importantly, congratulations to Urban Meyer and these Gators - and even BIGGER KUDOS to Chris Leak who took A LOT of shit from the Gator fans for the past few years - he proved a lot of things to a lot of folks. Most important, this was a pretty clean game played by classy players and coached by class coaches - that's always good to see.


Here are my VERY early picks for top teams next year:
1. USC - Is there really any question?

2. Oklahoma - I'm not reading a whole lot into the bowl game. And if Peterson actually comes back, forget about it. And they still have Stoops calling the shots.

3. Florida - I'm putting a giant caveat here: Tim Teebow needs to learn how to throw a ball more than 2 yards. I have absolutely no idea if this guy can actually run a balanced offense - does that sound familiar Texas fans?

4. Michigan - With Chad Henne and Mike Hart coming back next year you just know these guys are going to play with a great sense of purpose.

5. LSU - Although they don't always play disciplined ball, their ability to reload talent year in and year out is sick. BUT, I've been saying for 2 years and I'll keep saying it; I'm not sold on Les Miles.


Well friends, another college football season comes to an end and for that I may shed a tear. But don't fret, we've still got some killer college basketball, NFL playoffs and more importantly - a new season of 24! That's right, Jack Bauer will be released by the Chinese to come back and kick some terrorist butt! Folks, if you think I'm excited about college football, just wait until the new season kicks in. I promise you this, it will be very kick ass. If you haven't yet watched a season of 24, don't start watching next weekend - hold off. Go rent the previous 5 seasons and watch them first. You won't be disappointed.

And conference play just started for college basketball which is, in my opinion, when the REAL season starts. Look for teams to separate themselves; and look for others to fade into oblivion. I'll be hitting the college hard floor pretty hard next week now that the pig skin is away for another year. Oh and guess what, don't be shocked to see the Gators and Buckeyes duke it out for a shot at basketball title...seriously, have you watched Gred Oden play yet? If you like college basketball, watch an Ohio State game the next chance you get and watch #20 - it's unreal. He looks like he's 34, he plays like he's a seasoned pro and he's 18. It's something else. But don't forget about Kevin Durant for Texas - he IS the real deal as well. Two of the best in the country right now. Should be a hell of a spring.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job with the Blog this season Beardo! You made this college football season an enjoyable one. I still say the Aggies sucked this year! With a healthy Colt McCoy, we win that game by 21 points. And had Vince returned for his senior year, we'd be celebrating back 2 back National Championships. Only request for next season...more writing about the Chaps!

9:11 PM  

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